To create a personalized plan, we assess your medical history, symptoms, and treatment goals.
Not Sure Whether TMS Is Right for You?
Take Our 2 Minute Quiz
As TMS is a novel approach to mental health treatment, you may not have heard about it. This quiz can help you learn whether you are interested in TMS based on your symptoms, but it is not a comprehensive decision tool. A consultation with us can help you make an informed decision as to whether TMS treatment or an alternative treatment is suitable for your needs.
As TMS is a novel approach to mental health treatment, you may not have heard about it. This quiz can help you learn whether you are interested in TMS based on your symptoms, but it is not a comprehensive decision tool. A consultation with us can help you make an informed decision as to whether TMS treatment or an alternative treatment is suitable for your needs.
Not Sure Whether TMS Is Right for You?
Take Our 2 Minute Quiz
As TMS is a novel approach to mental health treatment, you may not have heard about it. This quiz can help you learn whether you are interested in TMS based on your symptoms, but it is not a comprehensive decision tool. A consultation with us can help you make an informed decision as to whether TMS treatment or an alternative treatment is suitable for your needs.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an exciting, modern approach to mental health and mood disorder treatment, especially for those who may have been unable to achieve results with standard treatment options. Its mechanism of action functions via a metal coil that generates an electromagnetic field to stimulate brain cells. Brain stimulation can activate or inhibit neural activity. Depending on the brain region targeted, changes in various cognitive functions can occur. For instance, patients’ emotional regulation may improve or motivation levels may return to healthy levels. The reduction in mental health symptoms can help restore daily functioning and improve overall quality of life.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an exciting, modern approach to mental health and mood disorder treatment, especially for those who may have been unable to achieve results with standard treatment options. Its mechanism of action functions via a metal coil that generates an electromagnetic field to stimulate brain cells. Brain stimulation can activate or inhibit neural activity. Depending on the brain region targeted, changes in various cognitive functions can occur. For instance, patients’ emotional regulation may improve or motivation levels may return to healthy levels. The reduction in mental health symptoms can help restore daily functioning and improve overall quality of life.
Following an initial consultation with a trusted medical professional at Evolve Brain Health, TMS patients will visit our clinic for 6 to 9 weeks. Each TMS session lasts 30 minutes, during which, a helmet containing a metal coil is placed on the head. We use FDA-approved protocols with BrainsWay technology that specifically stimulate areas deep within the brain. This device administers electromagnetic pulses over the scalp to stimulate the appropriate brain region for the patient’s therapy goals.
Following an initial consultation with a trusted medical professional at Evolve Brain Health, TMS patients will visit our clinic for 6 to 9 weeks. Each TMS session lasts 30 minutes, during which, a helmet containing a metal coil is placed on the head. We use FDA-approved protocols with BrainsWay technology that specifically stimulate areas deep within the brain. This device administers electromagnetic pulses over the scalp to stimulate the appropriate brain region for the patient’s therapy goals.
TMS for depression
and OCD has received FDA approval and we ensure we cater treatment to official guidelines, prioritizing your safety. TMS side effects are minimal and generally short-term. Many describe the sensation as a painless, light-tapping feeling. Your progress will be monitored throughout the protocol to ensure treatment is occurring as expected. The most common side effect is temporary scalp discomfort or headaches. Side effects often dissipate after the first week of treatment. Seizures are the most serious
TMS side effect. However, they have a very low occurrence rate, on par with the rate of a seizure secondary to antidepressant medication. Immediately following your TMS session, you are fully capable of driving and can return to your daily life as usual.
TMS for depression
and OCD has received FDA approval and we ensure we cater treatment to official guidelines, prioritizing your safety. TMS side effects are minimal and generally short-term. Many describe the sensation as a painless, light-tapping feeling. Your progress will be monitored throughout the protocol to ensure treatment is occurring as expected. The most common side effect is temporary scalp discomfort or headaches. Side effects often dissipate after the first week of treatment. Seizures are the most serious
TMS side effect. However, they have a very low occurrence rate, on par with the rate of a seizure secondary to antidepressant medication. Immediately following your TMS session, you are fully capable of driving and can return to your daily life as usual.
If you have been struggling to feel relief from standard methods of treatment, such as antidepressants or psychotherapy, TMS could be a great option for you.
Treatment-resistant depression or OCD is defined as when an individual has not achieved desired outcomes from at least 2 different types of medication. In these cases, TMS can be a highly effective second-line treatment with extensive research to support this.
With TMS, symptom management can be achieved non-invasively, unlike pharmacotherapy. An added advantage of TMS is the mild or short-term side effects observed in research and clinical results thus far. These aspects of TMS make it an appealing alternative for those who wish to optimize their treatment whilst minimizing their side effects.
It is important to have received a medical diagnosis for the disorder that you are looking to treat. TMS Therapy is FDA-approved as a treatment specifically for depression and OCD. Once the diagnosis process has been completed, a medical professional at our center can discuss the most suitable options for treatment with you.
Whilst having comorbid mental health disorders may not be a barrier to treatment, some chronic conditions (eg. epilepsy) or medical implants (eg. metal plates in the skull) can be incompatible with TMS treatment. Please consult with us to determine whether you are eligible for TMS treatment as per your comorbid condition/s.
It should be noted that despite a diagnosis in patients below 18, Evolve Brain Health does not administer TMS treatment. Research in TMS treatment for children and youth is ongoing and we place importance on providing services as per empirical evidence and FDA guidelines.
We understand that taking the time to prioritize your mental health can be a challenge in modern life, but it is important to make room for self-care. TMS sessions are a great opportunity for this, as it is a scheduled block of time during your day that is dedicated to improving your well-being.
The TMS therapy protocol typically occurs over a period of 6 to 9 weeks and requires several sessions per week to obtain the desired results. Most people notice a difference in 2 to 3 weeks.
Research suggests at 1 year following treatment, over 60% of patients remain depression free. However, to cater to as many patients as we can, we also offer TMS maintenance sessions if patients continue to experience difficulties with mental health symptoms. This requires additional time in months following initial treatment, though with fewer sessions per week. Fortunately, over 80% of those who previously responded will respond to another course of treatment.
At Evolve Brain Health, we offer many different treatment options to fit your needs. At a consultation, we will help you to determine the best option for you, depending on your preferences, availability, urgency, and your medical history. Our treatment options include TMS Therapy, Spravato (Esketamine therapy), Psychotherapy, and Medication Management.
Continuing psychotherapy with a psychiatrist and/or therapist can be preferable for some patients and is compatible with TMS simultaneously.
Continuing or stopping medication is specific to an individual’s trade-off between benefits and side effects along with other factors. This can be discussed in depth at a consultation. Notably, TMS may be an appropriate replacement for medication considering the relative lack of side effects observed for TMS treatment.
Evolve Brain Health does not offer ECT. It is important to understand that TMS is different from ECT. ECT involves being under anesthesia and receiving electrical currents to induce a seizure. Whereas, TMS is non-invasive, does not require anesthesia, and uses electromagnetic stimulation to adjust neural activity in specific brain regions. TMS is associated with significantly fewer side effects than ECT.
If you have been struggling to feel relief from standard methods of treatment, such as antidepressants or psychotherapy, TMS could be a great option for you.
Treatment-resistant depression or OCD is defined as when an individual has not achieved desired outcomes from at least 2 different types of medication. In these cases, TMS can be a highly effective second-line treatment with extensive research to support this.
With TMS, symptom management can be achieved non-invasively, unlike pharmacotherapy. An added advantage of TMS is the mild or short-term side effects observed in research and clinical results thus far. These aspects of TMS make it an appealing alternative for those who wish to optimize their treatment whilst minimizing their side effects.
It is important to have received a medical diagnosis for the disorder that you are looking to treat. TMS Therapy is FDA-approved as a treatment specifically for depression and OCD. Once the diagnosis process has been completed, a medical professional at our center can discuss the most suitable options for treatment with you.
Whilst having comorbid mental health disorders may not be a barrier to treatment, some chronic conditions (eg. epilepsy) or medical implants (eg. metal plates in the skull) can be incompatible with TMS treatment. Please consult with us to determine whether you are eligible for TMS treatment as per your comorbid condition/s.
It should be noted that despite a diagnosis in patients below 18, Evolve Brain Health does not administer TMS treatment. Research in TMS treatment for children and youth is ongoing and we place importance on providing services as per empirical evidence and FDA guidelines.
We understand that taking the time to prioritize your mental health can be a challenge in modern life, but it is important to make room for self-care. TMS sessions are a great opportunity for this, as it is a scheduled block of time during your day that is dedicated to improving your well-being.
Research suggests at 1 year following treatment, over 60% of patients remain depression free. However, to cater to as many patients as we can, we also offer TMS maintenance sessions if patients continue to experience difficulties with mental health symptoms. This requires additional time in months following initial treatment, though with fewer sessions per week. Fortunately, over 80% of those who previously responded will respond to another course of treatment.
The TMS therapy protocol typically occurs over a period of 6 to 9 weeks and requires several sessions per week to obtain the desired results. Most people notice a difference in 2 to 3 weeks.
If you have been struggling to feel relief from standard methods of treatment, such as antidepressants or psychotherapy, TMS could be a great option for you.
At Evolve Brain Health, we offer many different treatment options to fit your needs. At a consultation, we will help you to determine the best option for you, depending on your preferences, availability, urgency, and your medical history. Our treatment options include TMS Therapy, Spravato (Esketamine therapy), Psychotherapy, and Medication Management.
Continuing psychotherapy with a psychiatrist and/or therapist can be preferable for some patients and is compatible with TMS simultaneously.
Continuing or stopping medication is specific to an individual’s trade-off between benefits and side effects along with other factors. This can be discussed in depth at a consultation. Notably, TMS may be an appropriate replacement for medication considering the relative lack of side effects observed for TMS treatment.
Evolve Brain Health does not offer ECT. It is important to understand that TMS is different from ECT. ECT involves being under anesthesia and receiving electrical currents to induce a seizure. Whereas, TMS is non-invasive, does not require anesthesia, and uses electromagnetic stimulation to adjust neural activity in specific brain regions. TMS is associated with significantly fewer side effects than ECT.
If you have been struggling to feel relief from standard methods of treatment, such as antidepressants or psychotherapy, TMS could be a great option for you.
Treatment-resistant depression or OCD is defined as when an individual has not achieved desired outcomes from at least 2 different types of medication. In these cases, TMS can be a highly effective second-line treatment with extensive research to support this.
With TMS, symptom management can be achieved non-invasively, unlike pharmacotherapy. An added advantage of TMS is the mild or short-term side effects observed in research and clinical results thus far. These aspects of TMS make it an appealing alternative for those who wish to optimize their treatment whilst minimizing their side effects.
It is important to have received a medical diagnosis for the disorder that you are looking to treat. TMS Therapy is FDA-approved as a treatment specifically for depression and OCD. Once the diagnosis process has been completed, a medical professional at our center can discuss the most suitable options for treatment with you.
Whilst having comorbid mental health disorders may not be a barrier to treatment, some chronic conditions (eg. epilepsy) or medical implants (eg. metal plates in the skull) can be incompatible with TMS treatment. Please consult with us to determine whether you are eligible for TMS treatment as per your comorbid condition/s.
It should be noted that despite a diagnosis in patients below 18, Evolve Brain Health does not administer TMS treatment. Research in TMS treatment for children and youth is ongoing and we place importance on providing services as per empirical evidence and FDA guidelines.
We understand that taking the time to prioritize your mental health can be a challenge in modern life, but it is important to make room for self-care. TMS sessions are a great opportunity for this, as it is a scheduled block of time during your day that is dedicated to improving your well-being.
The TMS therapy protocol typically occurs over a period of 6 to 9 weeks and requires several sessions per week to obtain the desired results. Most people notice a difference in 2 to 3 weeks.
Research suggests at 1 year following treatment, over 60% of patients remain depression free. However, to cater to as many patients as we can, we also offer TMS maintenance sessions if patients continue to experience difficulties with mental health symptoms. This requires additional time in months following initial treatment, though with fewer sessions per week. Fortunately, over 80% of those who previously responded will respond to another course of treatment.
If you have been struggling to feel relief from standard methods of treatment, such as antidepressants or psychotherapy, TMS could be a great option for you.
At Evolve Brain Health, we offer many different treatment options to fit your needs. At a consultation, we will help you to determine the best option for you, depending on your preferences, availability, urgency, and your medical history. Our treatment options include TMS Therapy, Spravato (Esketamine therapy), Psychotherapy, and Medication Management.
Continuing psychotherapy with a psychiatrist and/or therapist can be preferable for some patients and is compatible with TMS simultaneously.
Continuing or stopping medication is specific to an individual’s trade-off between benefits and side effects along with other factors. This can be discussed in depth at a consultation. Notably, TMS may be an appropriate replacement for medication considering the relative lack of side effects observed for TMS treatment.
Evolve Brain Health does not offer ECT. It is important to understand that TMS is different from ECT. ECT involves being under anesthesia and receiving electrical currents to induce a seizure. Whereas, TMS is non-invasive, does not require anesthesia, and uses electromagnetic stimulation to adjust neural activity in specific brain regions. TMS is associated with significantly fewer side effects than ECT.
Start Your Journey With Evolve Brain Health
We thank you for considering Evolve Brain Health in your mental health journey. We are proud to offer cutting-edge therapy, and we will always prioritize our patients’ needs.
After discussing your needs and personal therapy goals, we can customize a thorough treatment plan that will ensure your TMS journey is comfortable and accommodating. Your TMS Journey with Evolve Brian Health extends beyond our clinic walls, improving your daily life and giving you agency in your mental health.
Start Your Journey With Evolve Brain Health
We thank you for considering Evolve Brain Health in your mental health journey. We are proud to offer cutting-edge therapy, and we will always prioritize our patients’ needs.
After discussing your needs and personal therapy goals, we can customize a thorough treatment plan that will ensure your TMS journey is comfortable and accommodating. Your TMS Journey with Evolve Brian Health extends beyond our clinic walls, improving your daily life and giving you agency in your mental health.
We are committed to providing evidence-based treatments that offer real, lasting results.
Expert Care
Board-certified psychiatrist with extensive experience in mental health therapies.
Insurance Accepted
We accept all major insurance providers, including Medicare.
Accelerated Recovery
Our 5-day accelerated TMS program helps you get better, faster.
Tailored treatment plans designed just for you.
Holistic Approach
We offer TMS and Esketamine to enhance the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
Our treatments meet the highest safety and efficacy standards.
Read Our Patient Reviews
"I highly recommend Evolve Brain Health if you are considering TMS. My experience was extremely positive. Dr. Knightly is very bright, compassionate and patient. He took time to answer all of my questions without ever making me feel rushed. It’s very easy to schedule appointments and always runs right on time. The treatment is very easy-in and out in less than 15 minutes with no side effects!"
"Dr. Knightly was without a doubt, one of the most professional, knowledgeable and experienced Psychiatrists I have ever seen. Honestly, it was an appointment I would look forward to, rather than just any generic Doctor visit, which we all definitely know is not where we want to be. His follow up and true commitment to his patients is hard to find these days. 5 Stars is not enough. He is better than any rating scale and I know will humbly continue to help as many people as he can."
"Dr Knightly is empathetic, professional & informative. He’s walked me through the process & has answered all my questions without hesitation, even the questions I’ve repeatedly asked. During my first session I was overwhelmed with emotion (I’ve tried many things to try to treat my depression) & he validated my experience & made me feel comfortable. I recommend anyone who is interested in TMS to visit his office, you‘re in good hands."
Start Your Journey With Evolve Brain Health
We thank you for considering Evolve Brain Health in your mental health journey. We are proud to offer cutting-edge therapy, and we will always prioritize our patients’ needs.
After discussing your needs and personal therapy goals, we can customize a thorough treatment plan that will ensure your TMS journey is comfortable and accommodating. Your TMS Journey with Evolve Brian Health extends beyond our clinic walls, improving your daily life and giving you agency in your mental health.
We are committed to providing evidence-based treatments that offer real, lasting results.
Expert Care
Board-certified psychiatrist with extensive experience in mental health therapies.
Insurance Accepted
We accept all major insurance providers, including Medicare.
Accelerated Recovery
Our 5-day accelerated TMS program helps you get better, faster.
Tailored treatment plans designed just for you.
Holistic Approach
We offer TMS and Esketamine to enhance the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
Our treatments meet the highest safety and efficacy standards.
Read Our Patient Reviews
"I highly recommend Evolve Brain Health if you are considering TMS. My experience was extremely positive. Dr. Knightly is very bright, compassionate and patient. He took time to answer all of my questions without ever making me feel rushed. It’s very easy to schedule appointments and always runs right on time. The treatment is very easy-in and out in less than 15 minutes with no side effects!"
"Dr. Knightly was without a doubt, one of the most professional, knowledgeable and experienced Psychiatrists I have ever seen. Honestly, it was an appointment I would look forward to, rather than just any generic Doctor visit, which we all definitely know is not where we want to be. His follow up and true commitment to his patients is hard to find these days. 5 Stars is not enough. He is better than any rating scale and I know will humbly continue to help as many people as he can."
"Dr Knightly is empathetic, professional & informative. He’s walked me through the process & has answered all my questions without hesitation, even the questions I’ve repeatedly asked. During my first session I was overwhelmed with emotion (I’ve tried many things to try to treat my depression) & he validated my experience & made me feel comfortable. I recommend anyone who is interested in TMS to visit his office, you‘re in good hands."
Will My Insurance Cover TMS Therapy?
We can help verify your benefits and provide transparent pricing options so you can plan your treatment confidently.
Featured Resources
Interested in learning about various mental health treatments? Visit our Learning Center for clear, easy-to-understand explanations of procedures, protocols, comparisons, and the conditions they address.
Beginning therapy can be a daunting experience. By informing you what one might expect from each treatment, we aim to ease this process and minimize the stress around seeking support for your mental health.
TMS is a novel approach that continues to receive more recognition as a valuable therapy option as we see promising outcomes from both research and clinical findings.
Our Guide to Help You Choose Your Treatment
Beginning therapy can be difficult enough without being overwhelmed by the variety of treatment options. In this article, we cover the differences between our services to help you decide which treatment you may want to pursue with us.
Book Your Consultation
Take the first step towards better mental health and well-being. Call us at
(203) 504-9758
or complete the form below.
What Happens In My Consultation?
To create a personalized plan, we assess your medical history, symptoms, and treatment goals.
You'll have an open conversation with your psychiatrist to discuss options and next steps.
A tailored approach is developed based on your unique needs, ensuring the best outcomes for you.
(203) 504-9758
Will My Insurance Cover TMS Therapy?
We can help verify your benefits and provide transparent pricing options so you can plan your treatment confidently.
Featured Resources
Interested in learning about various mental health treatments? Visit our Learning Center for clear, easy-to-understand explanations of procedures, protocols, comparisons, and the conditions they address.
Beginning therapy can be a daunting experience. By informing you what one might expect from each treatment, we aim to ease this process and minimize the stress around seeking support for your mental health.
TMS is a novel approach that continues to receive more recognition as a valuable therapy option as we see promising outcomes from both research and clinical findings.
Our Guide to Help You Choose Your Treatment
Beginning therapy can be difficult enough without being overwhelmed by the variety of treatment options. In this article, we cover the differences between our services to help you decide which treatment you may want to pursue with us.
Beginning therapy can be a daunting experience. By informing you what one might expect from each treatment, we aim to ease this process and minimize the stress around seeking support for your mental health.
As TMS is a novel approach to mental health treatment, you may not have heard about it. This quiz can help you learn whether you are interested in TMS based on your symptoms, but it is not a comprehensive decision tool.
Our Guide to Help You Choose Your Treatment
Beginning therapy can be difficult enough without being overwhelmed by the variety of treatment options. In this article, we cover the differences between our services to help you decide which treatment you may want to pursue with us.
Book Your Consultation
Take the first step towards better mental health and well-being. Call us at
(203) 504-9758
or complete the form below.
What Happens In My Consultation?
To create a personalized plan, we assess your medical history, symptoms, and treatment goals.
You'll have an open conversation with your psychiatrist to discuss options and next steps.
A tailored approach is developed based on your unique needs, ensuring the best outcomes for you.
(203) 504-9758
What Happens In My Consultation?
To create a personalized plan, we assess your medical history, symptoms, and treatment goals.
You'll have an open conversation with your psychiatrist to discuss options and next steps.
A tailored approach is developed based on your unique needs, ensuring the best outcomes for you.
(203) 504-9758
We are committed to providing evidence-based treatments that offer real, lasting results.
Expert Care
Board-certified psychiatrist with extensive experience in mental health therapies.
Insurance Accepted
We accept all major insurance providers, including Medicare.
Accelerated Recovery
Our 5-day accelerated TMS program helps you get better, faster.
Tailored treatment plans designed just for you.
Holistic Approach
We offer TMS and Esketamine to enhance the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
Our treatments meet the highest safety and efficacy standards.
Read Our Patient Reviews
"I highly recommend Evolve Brain Health if you are considering TMS. My experience was extremely positive. Dr. Knightly is very bright, compassionate and patient. He took time to answer all of my questions without ever making me feel rushed. It’s very easy to schedule appointments and always runs right on time. The treatment is very easy-in and out in less than 15 minutes with no side effects!"
"Dr. Knightly was without a doubt, one of the most professional, knowledgeable and experienced Psychiatrists I have ever seen. Honestly, it was an appointment I would look forward to, rather than just any generic Doctor visit, which we all definitely know is not where we want to be. His follow up and true commitment to his patients is hard to find these days. 5 Stars is not enough. He is better than any rating scale and I know will humbly continue to help as many people as he can."
"Dr Knightly is empathetic, professional & informative. He’s walked me through the process & has answered all my questions without hesitation, even the questions I’ve repeatedly asked. During my first session I was overwhelmed with emotion (I’ve tried many things to try to treat my depression) & he validated my experience & made me feel comfortable. I recommend anyone who is interested in TMS to visit his office, you‘re in good hands."
Will My Insurance Cover TMS Therapy?
We can help verify your benefits and provide transparent pricing options so you can plan your treatment confidently.
Featured Resources
Interested in learning about various mental health treatments? Visit our Learning Center for clear, easy-to-understand explanations of procedures, protocols, comparisons, and the conditions they address.
Beginning therapy can be a daunting experience. By informing you what one might expect from each treatment, we aim to ease this process and minimize the stress around seeking support for your mental health.
TMS is a novel approach that continues to receive more recognition as a valuable therapy option as we see promising outcomes from both research and clinical findings.
Our Guide to Help You Choose Your Treatment
Beginning therapy can be difficult enough without being overwhelmed by the variety of treatment options. In this article, we cover the differences between our services to help you decide which treatment you may want to pursue with us.
Book Your Consultation
Take the first step towards better mental health and well-being. Call us at
(203) 504-9758
or complete the form below.
What Happens In My Consultation?
To create a personalized plan, we assess your medical history, symptoms, and treatment goals.
You'll have an open conversation with your psychiatrist to discuss options and next steps.
A tailored approach is developed based on your unique needs, ensuring the best outcomes for you.
(203) 504-9758
Fairfield County's Premier Mental Health Practice.
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